Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Future Of This Blog

My blogging started out as an experiment to see what blogging was like, more than anything else. I'd have a difficult time saying exactly why I still do it, as even sporadic blogging can soak up a lot of time. Part of why I do it may be for the camaraderie. Some of my friends read this and it's an easy way to share some details of part of my life. Sometimes it's to share information or thoughts. I always appreciate the comments.

Lately, I've been thinking about how I blog. You see, I've been blogging not only here, but over a few different places, basically mirroring the blog that you're reading here. Some of these set ups make it very convenient for the reader where they can simply sign in to their own personal set up and then easily read the blog(s) of their choice that their provider has to choose from. I've had people personally request that I host my blog at certain particular places, so that the reader could easily keep up with my writings.

The dilemma here is posting in all these places can become quite time consuming. And then the issue comes up of other providers for more new ones in the future. There's got to be a huge number of blogging sites out there. I wouldn't even have the time have to work off of every one of them, or even many of them.

As a reader, there are indeed ways to set yourself up with a system that can display blogs from different sources besides just the one that you might be accustomed to. Gee, that might make make a good "how to" topic for a future blog.

In the meantime, My plans are to ween my blog over to one provider in the near future. If you have a particular desire to keep my blog HERE please feel free to let me know, but if I could also please ask you to mention why. Actually, any thoughts that you could share about this blog's future home would be helpful.

If I do stop the blog here, don't worry, I will provide information on the new location. It will be easy to spot as it will be on the last blog(s)....And I'd appreciate any comments on how you feel about the new location too.

..'till the next blog.


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