Why The Helmet?
To answer a question that was asked of me on one my yahoo 360 blog, "Is that you with the helmet on?" Yes (**still blushing**), that is me. Here's how all this came to be:
I thought about myself having red hair. I am (as far as I know) descended of French Canadians. My father's dad had red hair. Most of my family has the stereo type brown or dark brown hair. I mentioned to a friend that I wondered where or how I got the red hair.
Although he didn't know either, he offered the thought that in centuries past it could be that the Vikings ravaged and pillaged northern Europe, included parts of France. Perhaps it had something to do with the Irish (some were known to have red hair). He thought that the Vikings could have intermingled with the Irish and the French. I really don't know, and please forgive my ignorance if anything I'm saying sounds crazy or inappropriate.
I know next to nothing about the Viking culture, but I was enthralled with the thoughts of what things might have been like for my ancestors in days gone by. I currently run my blog over four different services to make it convenient for the people I know to read it. I may eventually bring it all down to one blog, just to make it easier on myself..
So the Viking helmet was done in fun. You may see a bit of Viking like elements elsewhere in my blogs. My original blog (still in existence) is actually http://northernway.blogspot.com Northern way is a good term for me anyway, in a sense, as I am in the Northeastern part of the country. Well I hope I've answered the question.
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