Tuesday, November 23, 2004


There is a new video game released that has been the cause of some controversy. It is called "JFK Reloaded" apparently the video has a basis in the assassination of John F Kennedy. I can see both sides of the coin:

I can understand why some people are against the distribution of such a video. Some feel that it may encourage violence. Some may find it personally offensive to the individuals involved in the original event, or their family members.

I can understand why others are for the game's production, or have no problem with it. They may feel it's just a game, not real so doesn't matter. That the entertainment value is what matters and the games subject should not be taken in all seriousness.

Video games in themselves are inanimate, they are neither good nor bad, but I feel obsession with these games is not a good thing. Many school kids (and some adults) spend hours on end addicted to video games. I wonder what room that leaves them for personal growth physically and mentally. Am I creating a similar situation in front of my computer as I type this blog? I'll think about that a bit....off line.


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