Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not Quarry Day

Today I let myself get sideswiped I think in a good way. After I had a chance to wake up, my thought was to get out to a quarry that I was hoping to get to all year. The weather looked cooperative, and not many weekends would likely be as warm as the year ends. I hoped to not make the trip alone, so called a friend who talked to me about this trip sometime ago. The timing didn't work, as the friend had made other plans in advance. My plans were just spur of the moment, so it was no issue. I tried texting another. No reply, so my guess is it was just a late night for him.

I decided to start gathering up my gear to be ready in case of a call back and was also starting to harbor the idea of going alone. I went to the room where the gear was and was distracted by cobwebs. Almost like black and white movie, haunted house cobwebs. And several cardboard boxes on the floor and never disposed of from awhile back when there was water of the floor. They're all trash now and were just sitting there. I hadn't spent anytime in this room for several months. It was obvious that some work needed to be done there.

I got to work at touching things up some. Another concern arose as I noticed a coating on a hutch that was made of unfinished wood. It seemed to follow the grain of the wood. My concern was the possibility of it being mold. I did have some small construction back there where all kinds of residue was flying around at some point. My sister stopped by to offer her opinion. She thought it was just residue and grime from the construction. I cleaned it off with a furniture polish. The grime just wiped off. I will keep an eye on it and see if it returns.

As I was storing away a few items that had been out in the open for far too long I came across some old 8mm film. Super 8 I believe was what it was called. My goal is to try to have the film transfer over to DVD. Would anyone have any suggestions as to where to have this done economically?

I was reminded of another project that I also never completed. I have a weight bench and the vinyl covering the padding is cracked. Any suggestions for the best method of repair?

I never got out to the quarry, but at least had a feeling of accomplishment.

(I started writing this post several weeks ago, but just got to posting it now)


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