Thursday, May 05, 2016

Skillet - Part Two

Continuing my exploration of cast iron skillets

An errand last weekend brought me close to a fairly large flea market.  The though occurred to me to try and find a larger frying pan than the one that I currently have. 

There were a several pans available from a few vendors.  Some had a smooth cooking surface, but it felt to me as if they were modern pans that were sanded down.  The others also looked modern and suffered from quite a bit of rust.  The prices ran from $18 to $49.

Later on, I bumped into someone who I knew (through a family member) who was running a booth there for a friend.  We chatted for awhile and I told him of my fry pan quest.  He said he thought he know just the person to see and led me to the far end of the flea market where there was a vendor with several pans to chose from. I selected the pan shown below for $25.

MI00197-Griswold Pan
Griswold Pan

The pan is a Griswold #6 pan.  There is a "6" on top of the handle and the bottom reads "NO 6, GRISWOLD, EIRE PA, 699"

MI00196 - Griswold Pan
another view

The cooking surface is fairy smooth, but there is a small bit of coarseness (if that the right word?) that can be felt though I wonder if it is from old build up rather than part of the pan.  It is suggested that I rub it down with salt and a damp cloth.  I don't see any signs of rust.

- Griswold Pan
pan bottom

I will most likely try to rub it all down with a damp cloth and salt and then season the pan again and then try to use it.


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