Blogging...Who, Me?
My current mindset about my personal blog
I run a blog. Well, I used to blog more frequently in
days gone by. My blogging has had a dry spell for quite sometime now.
Several years.
Previously, I had posted using free blogging services. I had run a few
simultaneously and stopped using all but one as time progressed. A
potential issue with these services is the lack of control. They can do
things such as place advertisements that could annoy readers (though in
their defense, if the service is free, they need to pay for it somehow)
Sometimes the blogger can be happy with the posting service at first,
and then later the posting company gets bought out by a less friendly
company. Or worse, the company folds and the blog is lost.
I plan an experiment. I will post this blog both on my personal website
and through my free service for awhile and see how it goes. If I
decide to keep using my own website for the blog, I will start to carry
over older posts so that everything is easy to find from there.
Another point to bring up is that I'm really unsure about my future
postings. After this long dry spell, I now need to see how often people
might enjoy the posts and I need to decide how often I really want to
write them. I am also torn between if this blog should only be interest
specific on a particular interest set, or if it should cover various
subjects. For now I will aim for the later.
Let's see where it goes.