Food Friday - Shepard's Pie
What to do with three pounds of ground turkey? The answer was easy for me, Shepard's Pie. My preference is to use use hamburger, regular potatoes, and cream corn with the regular. Since I had ground turkey, a surplus of instant potatoes, and no cream corn, I made it this way:
3 lb Ground Turkey
13.50 oz box of instant potatoes
Two 15.50 oz cans of corn
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Brown hamburger, heat corn, and prepare potatoes as directed on package.
Get 14 x 10" Glass pan. Spread hamburger evenly into pan.
Next, place drained corn evenly over the layer of hamburger.
Place potatoes evenly on top.
Place in oven for 30 minutes, then remove and serve.
I could have added butter on top and sprinkle salt and pepper over top, and varied the ingredient amounts some.
It came out great.